Notice to Members and Trainers:
Thank you to everyone for the patience and understanding shown during the extensive maintenance projects carried out at the track in February.
Whilst closed for the replacement of the running rail, many other Maintenance projects have been undertaken at the same time including:
- Repainting the exterior of Club Rooms
- Staining the deck and outdoor furniture
- Garden maintenance
- Painting of the outside track fence
- Repainting the starting boxes
- Replacement of the lure cable and rollers on track
- Minor canteen maintenance
- Deep Harrowing of track – (scheduled for Monday 17th February)
Stewards will attend the track on Wednesday 19th February to sign-off the track works completed and racing is scheduled to resume on Friday 21st February 2020.
In the weeks leading up to the closure, the club also received the new Vet table in the kennel block, had the weigh-in scales calibrated and completed works on the isolation kennels for stewards use on race days.
Thank you to the clubs that assisted by running meetings in our time slot while we were closed.
A big thank you also to all the external contractors and staff from Healesville, Sandown and GRV for the enormous amount of work undertaken during this period to ensure that Healesville will continue to provide a great venue for the patrons and that the health and welfare of the dogs remains the number one priority.
Changes to trial procedures:
After consultation with the Track Maintenance Team, it has been agreed to change the trial procedure at the club. Fortnightly Monday trials and Wednesday trial sessions will cease immediately.
Trials will return to the Tuesday time slot commencing at 8.30am until further notice. These times will be reviewed in the winter period. Half field trials will also be conducted after the race meetings on Friday and Sunday.
Bookings for the Tuesday trial sessions will open on Sunday at 8.30am via Fast Track.
Race day trails should be booked calling 5962 2420 between 8.30 – 10.00am or attending at the office by Race 9 on the day.
Satisfactory trials will remain the same, and must be booked by calling the office on 5962 2420 by 10.00am on Friday or Sunday.